Oleg Lebedev
Lead Software Engineer

Oleg Lebedev
Lead Software Engineer
Passionate Software Developer creating modern and responsive applications for Desktop and Web
Performance driven professional with several years international experience. Demonstrates in-depth expertise in all aspects of software engineering, design, development and maintenance within multiple diverse industries such as Scientific Research, Health Care, Financial Services and Banking. Expertly creates and implements innovative technology solutions. Will add value from the start to any organization where leadership, strategic vision and drive are key determinants for success in a Lead Software Development role. Proud US citizen focused on relocating to a new opportunity in Southern California.
Platforms: | MS Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP/2000/9x, Windows Servers, MS-DOS and Unix/Linux |
Technology: | WPF, ASP.NET Web API, WinForms, .NET Framework, MVVM/MVC, LINQ, ADO.NET, EF, WCF, UWP, Xamarin, .NET Standard, WSH, Silverlight, OOP, ActiveX and Win32 API |
Languages: | Visual C#, XAML, SQL, VB.NET, VBA, VBScript, JavaScript, F#, PowerShell and PHP |
Databases: | MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, MS Access, MS FoxPro, Borland Paradox and dBase |
MS Office: | C# Word Automation and VBA programming in Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint |
Graphics: | WPF Graphics, WPF Animation, Adobe Creative Suite and ACDSee Ultimate |
Tools: | MS Visual Studio, MS SQL Server Management Studio and WordPress |
Lead Software Engineer
Western Services Corporation, Frederick MD
Nov 2006 – present
- Drove development of a major multi-user client/server Configuration Management System for simulator projects and achieved all objectives and deliverables on time.
- Ensured 3KEYSAFE effectively utilized RDBMS MS SQL Server to efficiently archive, track and query data and achieved full control of all stages of power plant simulator development.
- Identified and designed key project components such as Documents management, Assumptions, Malfunctions, Systems and Objects management, Import/Export section, Graphics module, Design Specification and Reports generation, Users management, Database administration and Help system.
- Expedited all critical components of project management and exceeded client expectation.
- Implemented WPF Application 3KEYSAFE effectively utilized leading edge technology:
- Client: XAML, Visual C# 7/6, LINQ, SQL, ADO.NET 4.0, C# Word Automation, .NET Framework 4.7/4.6 and .NET Core 2.1 under MS Windows 10/8.1
- Database Server: Transact-SQL, .NET Framework 4.5, MS SQL Server 2017 and SQL Server 2016 under MS Windows 10 and Windows Server 2012 R2
- Graphics: WPF Graphics and WPF Animation
- Development Tools: MS Visual Studio 2017/2015 and MS SQL Server Management Studio
- Served as architect and key developer of Web Configuration and Equipment Management System.
- Expedited all aspects of systems activity in development environment used to create system models for Nuclear, Fossil and Hydro Power Plant Training Simulators and achieved all objectives.
- Utilized 3KEYWEB as repository for plant and internal data used in simulators, tracked updates and upgrades throughout power plant lifetime and crafted Simulation Design Specifications during simulation development stages.
- Designed three-tier multi-user Web Application including Client (Front End), Server (Middle Tier) and Data Tier (Back End Database) and achieved flawless operational performance.
- Developed Online Web Help System using HTML5 and JavaScript.
- Successfully implemented Web API Application 3KEYWEB using modern software technology:
- Client: Silverlight 5, XAML, HTML5, JavaScript, AutomationFactory and late binding
- Web Server: LINQ, SQL, .NET Framework 4.7, ASP.NET Web API 2, EF 5.0 and ADO.NET
- Client/Server: MS LightSwitch, HTTP, Visual C# 5 2012 and async/await Tasks
- Data Tier: MS SQL Server 2014 and SQL Server 2012
- OS/IIS: MS Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 and IIS 10/8.5
- Successfully designed and developed client/server Equipment Catalog application to manage Simulator objects and achieved seamless operational performance.
- Created a system to retain data such as valves, pumps and pipes and executed data entry, verification, modification, analysis and export resulting in significantly improved efficiency and productivity.
- Defined and implemented main project components such as Objects Tree, Parameters Table, Object References, Users, Units and History management and Search, Export and Graph subsystems.
- Effectively implemented 3KEYCATALOG, a WinForms Application using software technology such as:
- Client: Visual C# 2007/2005, T-SQL, .NET Framework 3.0/2.0 and ADO.NET 2.0
- Database Server: SQL Server 2005 (Stored procedures, UDF and Triggers) and Oracle 10g XE
- Development Tools: MS Visual Studio 2008/2005, MS SQL Server Management Studio 9.0 and Oracle SQL Developer 1.5 under MS Windows 7/Vista/XP
Software Developer Analyst
HealthGene Corp., Toronto
Jun 2003 – Oct 2006
PROJECT: HealthGene Project
- Proactively designed, developed and implemented three-tier HealthGene Molecular Diagnostic and Research web application.
- Significantly improved order processing for animal DNA samples and submission, monitored Back End Database, managed customers and employees, created detailed financial reports, expedited printout management system, including emailing of animal certificates, and achieved efficiency through collaboration with colleagues.
- Efficiently utilized development tools such as Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0/MX, Macromedia Studio 8/MX and Adobe Creative Suite 2/1 to expedite HealthGene Project and achieved all objectives.
- Successfully implemented WIMP Application with Solution Stack comprised of:
- OS: Windows XP Pro
- Web Server: Internet Information Services IIS 5.1
- Database: MySQL 5.0 (Stored Procedures, Triggers and Views), MySQL 4.1 and 4.0
- Language: PHP 5 and PHP 4
Senior Software Developer
MolCom, Toronto
Jul 2001 – Jun 2003
PROJECT: LVideo Project
- Independently developed Video Store Database Management application from concept to completion and achieved flawless operation.
- Swiftly identified all required project components, such as Point of Sale (POS) application, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Employees Registration System, Printout System (including financial results) and Back Office Database yielding improved project efficiency.
- Successfully achieved seamless application performance for input, processing and output of information about movies, orders (received, executed and history), customers and employees.
- Expertly implemented LVideo Project, a VBA Application with the following technology:
- Front End: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), OLE Automation and MS Access 2002
- Back End: MS SQL Server 2000 (8.0)
- Project type & OS: Access Data Project (ADP) under MS Windows XP/2000
- Implementation: MS Office XP Dev, Win32 API, VBScript (WSH) and Adobe Photoshop 7.0/6.0
Senior Software Programmer
EffectCredit Joint-Stock Bank, Moscow
Jul 1995 – Jun 2001
PROJECT: Currency Exchange Office Application
- Developed a program for Foreign Currency Transactions department to correlate results of purchase and sale of foreign currency and significantly contributed to ease of business decision making.
- Designed GUI to clearly display data on margin, balance and currency transactions.
- Implementation: Visual Basic 6/5/4, ActiveX and MS Access 2000/97 under Windows 98/95
PROJECT: Certificate Printout Application
- Effectively developed new program for accurate completion of blank stock certificates utilizing information derived from stockholder databases (private and legal entities).
- Expedited system development and exceeded expectation of Investment & Securities department.
- Implementation: FoxPro 2.5 under MS-DOS 6.00
Software Engineer
Dynamic Soviet-British Joint Venture, Moscow
Jan 1991 – Jul 1995
PROJECT: Export-Import Transaction Registration System
- Proactively developed a robust Export-Import Transaction Registration system to accurately track and monitor multiple activities, including contract completions and inventory control.
- Implementation: Borland PAL Paradox 3.0, Lexicon and NU under MS-DOS 6/5
PROJECT: Payroll Management Accounting Application
- Devised and developed a high functioning application to process income and taxes with results displayed in graphic format on screen and in printed format, yielding improved efficiency.
- Implementation: Turbo C 2.0, Paradox 3.0, Multi-Edit and NU under MS-DOS 5.0
Post Graduate Certificate in Computer Systems Software
M.Sc. in Mathematics & Computer Science
Igor Arshavsky — Principal Engineer at WSC

I was working with Oleg Lebedev for about 10 years. Oleg is top level professional in software development including architecture and implementation, please see his amazing list of skills. Oleg is very hardworking, always meets deadlines and master in resolving conflict situations. When I first met Oleg, he was working as key program developer, and later was promoted to team lead position. He is following modern technology development remaining on the top. I enjoyed working with Oleg and highly recommend him for leading software development position.
Sergei Korolev — Program Manager at WSC

Oleg is an outstanding Software Developer and Analyst with very solid technical background. He has an in-depth understanding of modern software technologies in two main areas: Desktop and Web application development. Oleg is an architect of three key software products that have the copyright of our Company: 3KEYWEB, 3KEYSAFE and 3KEYCATALOG. I have had the pleasure of working with Oleg for more than 10 years and he has never hesitated to provide support to our clients, colleagues and myself. I know Oleg as a hardworking, very detail-oriented person, and serious team player. I strongly recommend him as a Systems Architect and Senior Software Engineer.
Victor Galkin — Technical Manager at WSC

It’s rare that you come across standout talent like Oleg. We worked together with Oleg for more than ten years developing software for several projects. I was always impressed with Oleg’s ability to write high quality C#, XAML and SQL code that works reliably for years after implementation. I learned from him a lot, especially in the area of modern software development technology. No matter how tense could be a meeting, Oleg always remain calm, organized and extremely friendly. With his focus on the implementation details, Oleg would be a great asset to any team as a leading Software Engineer.
Leonid Severnyak — Quality Assurance and Customer Relations Manager

Every software product developed by Oleg is state of the art and of highest quality. State of the art because he always stays on top of the most recent developments in the industry, and of the highest quality because he is very meticulous in his approach to software development. Oleg can work independently or as part of a team, but regardless of the framework of his assignment he is always aware of the big picture as well as minute details within the specific area of his responsibility. I have worked with Oleg for more than ten years and, in my role as Customer Support and Quality Assurance Manager, consistently relied on his expertise and integrity to achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction.
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